Spinach Caesar Salad


Grilled Turkey Breast

Grilled chicken breast strips have been a popular choice in the past, so I'm hoping that the grilled turkey will prove equally appealing.


Garlic Butter Croutons

I was going to buy a bag of croutons, and then I realized: What a great use for all those bread crusts I've been saving! I just chopped the crusts up into bite-sized pieces, melted a bunch of garlic butter, and then tossed the bread pieces with the butter. Then I just toasted them in the oven for a few minutes. (Didn't really time it, sorry. I was making baked oatmeal, so I just put the tray of croutons in along side the oatmeal.) Once they were nicely browned and crisp, they came out to cool. And the Kidlet seems very excited at the prospect of croutons for lunch, so I think they should be a hit.


Cheese String

Parmesan cheese would, of course, be the more traditional Caesar salad component but a) I'm not sure the Kidlet would go for that right now and b) I don't want to put that much Parmesan in her lunch.


Fresh Spinach


Green Grapes

Green grapes are the only acceptable grapes right now. No red grapes, no black grapes. Only green. And green grapes are very yes! I just bought a bunch today and they're already all gone!


Caesar Salad Dressing

A crucial component for any Caesar salad.
